What is the token address of FIREBOT ?

The FireBot token is deployed on the Ethereum network at:


What are the tokenomics of FIREBOT ?

The project had a fair launch, which means that 100% of the token supply was added to liquidity at launch. 1M tokens.

Fully circulating and non-dilutive. 5% tax on FIREBOT traded as follows:

1% to LP | 2% BURN | 2% to team and operating expenses.

40% of bot transaction fees to holders. Be a holder of 100 FIREBOT tokens or more to be entitled to revenue sharing.

What are the benefits on holding FIREBOT ?

Holding 100 FIREBOT tokens or more entitles you to a number of benefits:

  • Entitles you to revenue sharing.

  • Access to our Telegram holders' channel where you can discuss alpha, propose new features, and access a dedicated support channel.

In addition, your FIREBOT holdings entitle you to a fee reduction on the bot.

Last updated